Sunday, November 30, 2008

My daughter's visit

This week my daughter came to visit. She arrived on Wednesday night. There were so many places I wanted to take her and of course we ran out of time.

I am gluten free so she got to experience gluten free cooking. I also don't eat beef, soy or dairy because of allergies. I steer clear of nitrates and msg, so many of the things I cook are free of those kinds of things.

There were only a few things she thought tasted weird. But then again I was doing some experimental cooking and some of the things I thought were a little weird tasting! I think mostly she thought it was ok.

She learned to play a game called Sequence. She calls it a cut throat version of connect four. I copied the wikipedia explanation of the game.

Sequence is a board-and-card game distributed by jax Ltd., Inc.. It involves an average-sized playing board, on which are depicted two decks of cards (minus the Jokers and Jacks), two full standard decks, 35 red, 50 blue and 50 green playing chips which total 135.
The game is played by two players, two teams, three players or three teams. Players are dealt a certain number of cards (3-7 depending on the number of players), and then take turns to play these cards, placing a chip of their color on one of the corresponding card images on the board. The object of the game is to form one or two rows of 5 chips (be it horizontally, vertically or diagonally) before the other player or players, team or teams. If there are two players or two teams, 2 sequences must be formed to win the game. When there are three teams or three players only 1 sequence needs to be formed in order to win.
The four corners of the grid depict printed images of 1 chip in each of the 4 spaces instead of a card. These can be used as your own color chip, that is any series of 4 chips including a wild square forms a sequence.
The jacks fulfill a special role. If a player plays a two-eyed Jack, he or she may place a chip anywhere on the board (except of course on the wilds). If a one-eyed Jack is played, the player may remove an opposing player's token from anywhere.
Sequence employs some distinct hard and fast rules that include no table talk, and an order in which you must play your hand: card, chip, replace your card.

We visited with some of my employers, their kids and some of my friends this week. I took her to Archee McPhees, a crazy weird place to buy things like underwear for squirrels. LOL

Yesterday I took her to the Seattle center, where we had Thai and then went to the EMP (Experience Music Experience) and Sci Fi museum. It was fascinating! It was the first time I had ever been there even though I live in the area. The outside of EMP is pretty weird looking, a big metal blob.

This is the guitar tower. A computer randomly strums the different guitars. It creates an airy scary sounding kind of music.

They have a great display about Jimi Hendricks. We also tried out playing a bass guitar. I already know how to play Louie Louie on the guitar but the display was so slow that I grew tired of waiting for the instructions.
They had lots of instruments to try out but it was crowded and we didn't want to wait in line. Although the "be a rock star" gig was awful tempting. I am not sure how it worked but you would experience performing on a stage in front of screaming fans. Then you could buy a poster or a video of your performance.
The sci fi museum was connected and it was pretty cool but I couldn't help thinking it seemed like some fans put all their sci fi collection on display. But it was interesting and I shouldn't critisize as I used to be a big Trekkie! lol I even was in a Star Trek club.

Today was the last day of her visit and I took her to a beach that I like to go to called Golden Gardens. It was foggy here today, so the beach was pretty foggy. She lives a stones throw away from SF so I joked with her about coming here to see more fog.
The sun as seen through the fog along the beach

I had a great time seeing her and look forward to visiting her at Christmas time.

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