Thursday, February 05, 2009

War of the squirrels, 2009

The other day I was out in the back with the kids. It was a beautiful day in Seattle. We heard a scrabbling noise up on the roof. When we looked up we saw the squirrel. Now ever since I have lived in this house, the squirrels have tried to live here too.

I don't have anything against the squirrels but they can cause damage to the house. This however is the first time I actually saw a squirrel enter his/my domicile.

I yelled at him.. "hey squirrel don't even think about it!"He gave me a look and after a brief pause he slipped into the original hole that somehow has become uncovered. There used to be a metal grate across it, courtesy of the landlady's handyman. How they got it off I am not sure. But I think they have a little squirrel tool box with a pry bar hidden in a tree nearby. Funny thing is I never found the grate, maybe they snuck it over into my garbage can while I wasn't looking. The 31/2 year old was pretty amused that the squirrel didn't listen to me.

I have blogged about the dancing and the er, x rated squirrely love I am sure is going on up in my eaves but now I think they may have taken up gambling. I will know for sure when the little cards and poker chips start showing up on my backyard lawn.

It will be the very last straw if I catch them with camera's out spying on me. I think they already listen to me though the walls when I call the landlady and tell her about their returning to live in my eaves. They are probably plotting ways of outfoxing the exterminator guys that come out to supposedly keep my house free of the little varmints.

They put little warning signs that say, "Caution, Black Boxes on Roof can be Deadly!!" Maybe in bright yellow with a little red crossed circle across a black box. "Don't be relocated" might be another.

They probably take a vacation during that week. I imagine there are little notations on their calendars...take vacation, exterminators will be present.

The exterminators have never ever seen a squirrel in my eaves nor have they caught one in the "relocation" boxes.

And where do they take those squirrels to be relocated? Oh nope I won't go there...uh uh not me.....

So now the squirrels have a really nice front door and when they get their tools out again and take off the other grate they will have a nice back entrance too. Perhaps they will build a nice little porch from it. They have a great view into my back yard after all.

So squirrels 3, me 0

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL..Cute Rose.Yep,I used to have a big house in Edmonds and every year it was the same thing:Should I go to the trouble of planting all of them bulbs...when all the squirrels are just gonna dig them up anyway?Yep..they won there, too.Rat Bastards!;)