Thursday, February 18, 2010

Good times and bleg....bleg.. ralph

Last weekend I went to Portland. I stayed with my son Jere. My daughter Leeonna and her partner came to town to visit. I hate the drive but it is totally worth it to see the kids.

Saturday I went with my son and his family to see Wolfman. I loved that they stayed true to the old movies. Yes they used special effects to change the wolfman into well...wolfman, but they were done well. Not overdone like some movies effects can be done today. As a kid I felt so sorry for the Wolfman, I mean it was so clear that he hated being the wolf man. I felt sorry for all the monsters. Frankenstein, (Frankie, as I like to call him) couldn't help  being a monster either. Those were the good ole days.

Monsters today are just monsters and the special effects  are mainly to gross you out. They bore me to death. Yeah yeah yeah, gonna be blood and guts, spewing blood, but do I feel sorry for any body in a modern day horror movie, naw, not even the victims. Note: ok movie makers give me a monster to care wolfman...yeah I felt bad for him.

Oh and how come all those victims are so stupid???!!! Hey look tons of blood, yeah I am going to investigate that!!! NOT!!! How come they don't notice the music? If I heard that creepy music I wouldn't be looking around... geez it's loud folks...can't you hear it??? When I was a kid and was watching a scary movie I found it wasn't so scary if you turned off the sound! LOL..yeah we all know what that creepy music means!!! Anyway go see Wolfman, it was good and you will like the wolfman and feel sorry for him.

My son and his step daughter cooked dinner. They called the recipe Breast Implants. Oh my goodness these guys can cook a mean meal. They made up the recipe and it has to do with ricotta, mozzarella and Marinara. I would tell you how it's put together but then they would have to kill me....shhhhh it's a highly guarded secret. but I bet they could win some kind of chicken recipe contest it is that good!

Saturday night my son and I went and met my daughter and friends at a Wine and Beer Bar, called Crush. It had interesting decor, kind of that trendy metal art work, sort of ala seventies. The waiter was happy to see us but became disgruntled when he realized most of us were lite drinkers and some of us were actually drinking water..gasp! He went so far as telling us we could get our own water. The music was weird... one minute it was polka or something like polka and then Hooked on Classical. But visiting with my daughter made it worth it. It was also the first time I met her fiance.

Sunday my son put on a pizza eating contest... now I don't usually eat gluten products but unfortunately Pizza is one of my weak spots that and a competition. I actually thought that I would eat..oh one or two pieces... but my competitive nature got a hold of me and I ate six and half pieces in something like eight or nine minutes. I once did a corn on the cob eating contest and came in second.. Let me tell you eating pizza in a contest is much more difficult. Mozzarella cheese is not conducive to chewing at a fast pace.  Crust tends to be a problem too. Our team won and the winner ate seven pieces.

I had a lot of fun visiting with family. 

However,  I thought I got off scott free in the "it didn't" affect me" department to eat all that gluten. Hah...either nature was out to get me with a stomach virus on Wednesday night or my stomach decided it "wasn't going to take it anymore!" Ralph visited me right as I got off work Wednesday night... a purge of epic proportions. I probably will rethink another pizza contest..... or if enough time as passed...maybe not....


Cedar said...

Okay that was a fun and gross post all at the same time.

Unknown said...

What can I say, it's life...